There are many aspects of my job that I love, and one in particular is the travelling. I get to see exciting new places and meet wonderful people, and I even get paid to do it. Very early one morning a couple of weeks ago I went out onto the balcony of the seaside house that I was staying in in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, and saw this rainbow stretching over the ocean. Moments like this remind me just how lucky I am; then combine this with conducting incredible music played by great friends and I start to get emotional!
I came back from the Brazilian autumn (38 degrees) to the German spring (2 degrees and snow), but this weather does have its advantages…I think. At least it forces you to stay at home and work; at the moment I’m preparing for concerts in Rheinsberg with ensemble united Berlin and in Scotland with the Glasgow Orchestral Society – with the rainbow ever-present in my mind to inspire me and remind me that I have possibly the best job in the world.

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