Back to work

After a wonderful summer with visits to Estonia, Italy (on holiday in Tuscany!), Romania and England, I am now back home and ready to start working on the repertoire for the new season. I have two concerts coming up at the Komische Oper, conducting my former...
“Spring” in Germany

“Spring” in Germany

There are many aspects of my job that I love, and one in particular is the travelling. I get to see exciting new places and meet wonderful people, and I even get paid to do it. Very early one morning a couple of weeks ago I went out onto the balcony of the seaside...
Life after Carmen

Life after Carmen

I got back from the wonderful Femusc festival in Brazil this week, and I am still amazed at the fact that we managed to stage and rehearse the whole opera Carmen in ten days. It was a huge amount of work, difficult at times, but the energy and optimism of director...

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